Saskatchewan Party Candidate - Moose Jaw North - Darin Chow
Culture In Saskatchewan


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Marla, Connor, Parker and Darin Chow

When I talk to people about Culture in Saskatchewan, many of the same questions come up.  I've attempted to answer most of them below, but please send an email using the link below if you have further questions.


How does your party feel culture can contribute to Saskatchewan?


The Saskatchewan Party recognizes and respects the numerous contributions the cultural sector makes to Saskatchewan communities.  A thriving cultural sector enriches and enhances the lives of all residents and makes communities more attractive and appealing. 


 What role do you and your party feel government has in promoting culture and the cultural sector?


The Saskatchewan Party believes the role of government is to create a climate of growth and opportunity which, in turn, will have a corresponding positive impact on the ability of the cultural sector to grow and prosper as well.  It is the Saskatchewan Partys belief that those sectors that self-govern and self-promote are generally more successful than those with direct government intervention.


How will your party support cultural diversity?


The Saskatchewan Party is firmly committed to supporting cultural diversity among all residents of Saskatchewan and there are no immediate plans to change the current system as it exists today.


Does your party have a position on cultures role in education?


The Saskatchewan Party acknowledges that there are various methods in the application of learning for young people and that culture is most certainly one of them.  It is important for students to learn about different cultures and it is of particular importance that our students learn about aboriginal culture and its role in shaping Saskatchewan.


What is your commitment to the lottery-funded system which supports community-run sport, culture and recreation programming?


The Saskatchewan Party is aware of the many community programs that are supported through Saskatchewan lotteries and there are no plans to change the system as it currently exists.  The Saskatchewan Partys plan for growth will mean additional revenue and resources being available for funding in other sectors once health, education and infrastructure needs have been addressed.


 How will your party support heritage preservation and promotion in the province?


Heritage preservation and promotion is becoming an increasingly important priority for many residents in Saskatchewan communities as this provides an excellent opportunity to recognize and formally honor the unique achievements of our pioneers.  As mentioned previously, the Saskatchewan Partys plan for growth will mean additional revenue and resources being available for funding in other sectors once health, education and infrastructure needs have been addressed.


 How will your party recognize and enhance the role of the individual artist?


The Saskatchewan Party knows the important role that artists play in contributing individually and collectively to the cultural fabric of Saskatchewan communities.  We are also aware of the numerous and varied economic and social factors that can have significant impact on an artists ability to remain viable and successful.  However, as mentioned previously, the Saskatchewan Party believes those sectors that self-govern and self-promote are generally more successful than those with direct government intervention.



I hope this gives you an understanding of my and The Saskatchewan Party's thoughts regarding Culture in Saskatchewan.  Again, if you have further questions, please email me using the link below.

For more information on The Saskatchewan Party, please follow this link .
Please contact me to ask questions or offer comments!
You can e-mail us at:

The Committee to Elect Darin Chow, 326 B High St. W.  Moose Jaw, Sk, (306) 691-1000
Authorized by Bob Patterson - Business Manager for Darin Chow