Please click the appropriate link below to be taken to a secure page where you can make your online campaign donation. For donations in excess of $200.00, please allow us to contact you personally.
We are able to issue tax receipts to financial contributors of Darin Chow's Campaign. The following schedule explains this process. The minimum donation elegiable for tax credits is $25.00 and the maximum tax credit per individual or company is $500.00.
If you Your tax credit Your actual cost
contribute: will be: will be:
$100 $75 $25
$200 $150 $50
$300 $200 $100
$400 $250 $150
$500 $300 $200
$550 $325 $225
$750 $392 $358
$1000 $475 $525
$1075 $500 $575
Please contact me to ask questions or offer comments!
You can e-mail us at: The Committee to Elect Darin Chow, 326 B High St. W. Moose Jaw, Sk, (306) 691-1000
Authorized by Bob Patterson - Business Manager for Darin Chow