Saskatchewan Party Candidate - Moose Jaw North - Darin Chow
Tell Us Your Concerns


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Tell Us Your Concerns


  • Considering that the Premier and both Moose Jaw ridings have been represented by NDP members, Tell us what you think! - Express your concerns or tell us how you feel about the manner in which the present NDP government has dealt with the following:

  1. Crown Corporations
  2. Health including treatment of our Doctors & Nurses  
  3. Education including post secondary 
  4. Taxation
  5. Employment & Job Creation
  6. Other

You can e-mail us at:

The Committee to Elect Darin Chow, 326 B High St. W.  Moose Jaw, Sk, (306) 691-1000
Authorized by Bob Patterson - Business Manager for Darin Chow