Saskatchewan Party Candidate - Moose Jaw North - Darin Chow
Regime Change In Regina


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Oct. 30th National Post Editorial

October 30, 2003
The National Post

Regime Change in Regina

There seems at least an even chance that Saskatchewan's incumbent NDP government will win re-election to a fourth consecutive term in Next Wednesday's provincial vote, an outcome thought next to impossible just a month ago.  If the NDP does prevail, it will be a shame.  Particularly in it's last four years in office, Premier Lorne Calvert's party has presided over a fiscal and economic meltdown.


The election hinges on the fate of the province's four major Crown corporations:  SaskTel, SaskPower, SaskEnergy and Saskatchewan Government insurance (SGI).  These "Crowns" dominate Saskatchewan's Economy: In a province of nearly one mission people, there exists fewer than 100,000 private sector workers - a rate worthy of Cuba.

With the help of expensive advertising blitzes launched by unions and labour federations, the New Democrats have tarred the opposition Saskatchewan party as a threat to sell off the Crowns and subject consumers to higher utility rates and auto insurance premiums.  Cowed by such fear mongering, the Sask Party, led by former Reform MP Elwin Hermanson, has timidly promised not to tough the government-owned entities.  But the campaign has had its intended effect - blinding swing voters to the government's abysmal record.  Two recent media polls both show the incumbent slightly ahead, albeit with leads only within the margin of error.

If voters put aside the NDP's negative tactics, they'll realize that they deserve better government.  Since the last provincial election in 1999, Saskatchewan's real gross domestic product has declined by 0.2% while the nations output has risen 15.6%.  And don't blame the weather:  The economy in neighboring Alberta has climbed 11% even though it's been plagued by the same droughts, low commodity prices and mad cow damage.  As a result, Saskatchewan's population is actually shrinking, with the young and educated leading the exodus.

Canada's economy is only as strong as the sum of its parts.  And so, like everyone in this country, we have an interest in seeing a prosperous Saskatchewan.  No matter how scary the NDP and its union supporters are convinced a Sask party government would be, there is no way it could be worse than another term under the New Democrats.  The province's voters should give the Sask Party a chance.

The Committee to Elect Darin Chow, 326 B High St. W.  Moose Jaw, Sk, (306) 691-1000
Authorized by Bob Patterson - Business Manager for Darin Chow