Saskatchewan Party Candidate - Moose Jaw North - Darin Chow
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Darin Chow - Moose Jaw North


This site, run by the committe to elect Saskatchewan Party Candidate Darin Chow to the office of MLA Moose Jaw - North, is here for you to keep in touch with your candidates views and help determine the future of your city and government.
Please use the links to the left to learn more about the Saskatchewan Party, Darin Chow's Campaign and how you can contribute as a volunteer or by way of donation to the campaign.

Please contact me to ask questions or offer comments!
You can e-mail us at:

The Committee to Elect Darin Chow, 326 B High St. W.  Moose Jaw, Sk, (306) 691-1000
Authorized by Bob Patterson - Business Manager for Darin Chow