Saskatchewan Party Candidate - Moose Jaw North - Darin Chow
Culture In Saskatchewan


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Darin Chow and Elwin Hermanson

Below is Elwin Hermanson's response to SaskCulture which states very clearly the Saskatchewan Prty's views.


       October 29, 2003



Mr. Bryan Foran

Volunteer President

SaskCulture Inc.

600-2220-12th Avenue

Regina, Saskatchewan

S4P 0M8



Dear Mr. Foran:


On behalf of the Saskatchewan Party, thank you for your recent correspondence asking for a detailed response to the Partys commitment to the cultural community in Saskatchewan.  Please note that a separate document with those replies is included.


The Saskatchewan Party is aware of the extensive work of the many talented and dedicated individuals involved with SaskCulture.  We also recognize and respect the numerous contributions the cultural sector makes to virtually every community in the province.  A thriving cultural sector enriches and enhances the lives of all residents and makes that community much more attractive and appealing to those who may be considering relocating.


The Saskatchewan Party has a plan to grow the province by 100,000 people in 10 years.  This growth will translate into increased revenue and resources for funding essential services like health, education and infrastructure.  It will also provide additional funding for other sectors such as yours.  Please know that the Saskatchewan Party will deliver its Grow Saskatchewan plan within the framework of a balanced budget. 


The Saskatchewan Party looks forward to continued communication and discussion with all those involved in SaskCulture.  I hope we can count on your support in the November 5th general election.



Yours sincerely,


Elwin Hermanson




For more information on The Saskatchewan Party, please follow this link .
Please contact me to ask questions or offer comments!
You can e-mail us at:

The Committee to Elect Darin Chow, 326 B High St. W.  Moose Jaw, Sk, (306) 691-1000
Authorized by Bob Patterson - Business Manager for Darin Chow